What the heck is SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your online content so that a search engine likes to show it as a top result for searches of a certain keyword.

SEO is the magic you have to work on your article in order to make Google very likely to include your post as one of the top results whenever someone searches for that keyword.

Broadly speaking, today’s SEO industry is split into two related fields: content marketing and technical optimisation. The ability to create content that resonates with audiences and communicates a brand identity is vital to the success of any website, and articles exploring every intricacy of this art can be found on the web with relative ease. However – technical optimization is the key to realizing the organic search potential of your content, and despite being listed as a skill on many developers’ resumés.

What we do to make your website SEO optimised?

We create great contents for your website.

What SEOs do when it comes to content creation and strategy is to help people work within the framework that exists for content created on the Web — a framework that dictates, for example, that a page title of a certain length is more likely to be seen in full if it is of a certain length, and that the title will be shown out of its original context when shared on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter or when saved as a bookmark. If it’s interesting and engaging in those contexts, then it is more likely to be clicked on and shared by others. SEOs study and explore the framework of the Web, of search engines, of social networks, and help others understand it.

We optimize your website to load faster.

When it comes to the technical optimization – the waters are often muddied by misinformation. This extraordinarily rich discipline is the key to realizing the organic search potential of your content, and despite being listed as a skill on many developers’ resumés, it is also one of the most frequently misunderstood areas of modern web development.